Knowledge and Insight without the hard work

Friday, July 27, 2007

O'Leary sticks it to HM Government

Not being one of the Crown's loyal subjects, Mr O'Leary is not necessarily subject to such punishment as locking him up in the Tower or leaving him Hung, Drawn and Quartered. Much though I am sure that Hon Gwyneth Dunwoody MP, Chair(wo)man Transport Committee of the British House of Commons would perhaps like him to be.

However he has a point about the issues being raised at the session being somewhat off point. HMG (Her Majesty's Government) and even its Loyal Opposition have both focused on the issue of the way pricing is displayed to (in the mind of Mr O'Leary) the real issue of extra taxes without extra value.

if you wish to have a quiet "Titter" then read the release on Ryanair's website.

Guy Fawkes would have been proud.



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